Request AppointmentWhat is a mammogram?
Mammography is the most effective method currently available for breast cancer detection. Mammography machines use low doses of X-Rays to produce an image of the breast and breast tissue. The image is examined by a Radiologist who looks for changes or inconsistencies in the breast tissue.
A mammogram is critical in breast cancer detection because the images can reveal cancers that are too small to be felt.
Common concerns about mammograms
During the positioning for the mammogram some women may experience a little bit of discomfort, which is usually well tolerated.
Concern is also sometimes expressed about the exposure to radiation. With current day mammography machines, the amount of radiation a woman is exposed to during the examination process is minimal and the risks are negligible.
Can you please explain what occurs during this examination?
One breast at a time is placed between 2 plates and compressed together. An image is taken and the procedure repeated for the other breast.
Is there any preparation needed?
A top or blouse is recommended, as you will be required to undress from the waist up and wear a gown. Do not apply talcum powder or deodorant after shower on the day of appointment, as these can show up on the mammogram. A little discomfort may occur when the breast is compressed. You may be asked to undertake an ultrasound, thereby providing your doctor with a more complete examination and result.

Fees and billing
In most instances, we bulk bill to Medicare, but it is important to check with your individual clinic prior to your service